Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2008
Generated 01-Jun-2008 00:02 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2008
Total Hits 74289
Total Files 59852
Total Pages 13865
Total Visits 1111
Total KBytes 7077523
Total Unique Sites 5154
Total Unique URLs 233
Total Unique Referrers 425
Total Unique User Agents 529
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 99 7474
Hits per Day 2396 10675
Files per Day 1930 10252
Pages per Day 447 8770
Visits per Day 35 56
KBytes per Day 228307 331156
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 59852
Code 206 - Partial Content 12254
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 52
Code 304 - Not Modified 306
Code 403 - Forbidden 14
Code 404 - Not Found 1811

Daily usage for May 2008

Daily Statistics for May 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2505 3.37% 1821 3.04% 331 2.39% 56 5.04% 306 5.94% 330480 4.67%
2 2654 3.57% 1925 3.22% 486 3.51% 43 3.87% 260 5.04% 266719 3.77%
3 2439 3.28% 1814 3.03% 239 1.72% 56 5.04% 259 5.03% 259457 3.67%
4 2719 3.66% 2037 3.40% 179 1.29% 56 5.04% 277 5.37% 223757 3.16%
5 2048 2.76% 1642 2.74% 154 1.11% 33 2.97% 198 3.84% 196915 2.78%
6 1744 2.35% 1455 2.43% 22 0.16% 17 1.53% 187 3.63% 190052 2.69%
7 2168 2.92% 1589 2.65% 167 1.20% 34 3.06% 198 3.84% 187042 2.64%
8 2304 3.10% 1759 2.94% 368 2.65% 47 4.23% 218 4.23% 210340 2.97%
9 2553 3.44% 2089 3.49% 407 2.94% 47 4.23% 245 4.75% 216882 3.06%
10 2055 2.77% 1731 2.89% 411 2.96% 29 2.61% 224 4.35% 219237 3.10%
11 1972 2.65% 1578 2.64% 239 1.72% 39 3.51% 235 4.56% 177594 2.51%
12 2063 2.78% 1694 2.83% 425 3.07% 43 3.87% 196 3.80% 170415 2.41%
13 1906 2.57% 1558 2.60% 225 1.62% 28 2.52% 214 4.15% 218521 3.09%
14 1759 2.37% 1382 2.31% 89 0.64% 27 2.43% 185 3.59% 172931 2.44%
15 1811 2.44% 1457 2.43% 48 0.35% 25 2.25% 190 3.69% 175504 2.48%
16 2181 2.94% 1717 2.87% 43 0.31% 28 2.52% 205 3.98% 206878 2.92%
17 2099 2.83% 1718 2.87% 110 0.79% 25 2.25% 220 4.27% 209830 2.96%
18 2090 2.81% 1672 2.79% 100 0.72% 44 3.96% 245 4.75% 188967 2.67%
19 2296 3.09% 1821 3.04% 34 0.25% 28 2.52% 238 4.62% 331156 4.68%
20 1673 2.25% 1267 2.12% 71 0.51% 43 3.87% 208 4.04% 207214 2.93%
21 1722 2.32% 1339 2.24% 42 0.30% 24 2.16% 227 4.40% 214948 3.04%
22 2358 3.17% 1873 3.13% 70 0.50% 21 1.89% 230 4.46% 266988 3.77%
23 2429 3.27% 1810 3.02% 101 0.73% 35 3.15% 231 4.48% 230951 3.26%
24 2234 3.01% 1688 2.82% 47 0.34% 24 2.16% 251 4.87% 283894 4.01%
25 2060 2.77% 1498 2.50% 44 0.32% 27 2.43% 258 5.01% 259061 3.66%
26 2160 2.91% 1691 2.83% 120 0.87% 41 3.69% 223 4.33% 266492 3.77%
27 2091 2.81% 1623 2.71% 137 0.99% 40 3.60% 223 4.33% 200465 2.83%
28 10675 14.37% 10252 17.13% 8770 63.25% 56 5.04% 205 3.98% 274042 3.87%
29 2025 2.73% 1589 2.65% 199 1.44% 45 4.05% 182 3.53% 214941 3.04%
30 1662 2.24% 1263 2.11% 59 0.43% 21 1.89% 196 3.80% 262270 3.71%
31 1834 2.47% 1500 2.51% 128 0.92% 32 2.88% 215 4.17% 243580 3.44%

Hourly usage for May 2008

Hourly Statistics for May 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 4 126 0.17% 3 111 0.19% 0 6 0.04% 183 5676 0.08%
1 133 4137 5.57% 118 3671 6.13% 42 1313 9.47% 10306 319492 4.51%
2 308 9567 12.88% 292 9072 15.16% 247 7678 55.38% 10023 310705 4.39%
3 71 2202 2.96% 53 1672 2.79% 7 220 1.59% 9054 280672 3.97%
4 66 2062 2.78% 49 1524 2.55% 6 208 1.50% 10903 337997 4.78%
5 69 2163 2.91% 46 1443 2.41% 7 223 1.61% 8613 266995 3.77%
6 81 2538 3.42% 57 1790 2.99% 6 208 1.50% 8418 260967 3.69%
7 70 2195 2.95% 52 1625 2.72% 6 187 1.35% 10103 313205 4.43%
8 73 2270 3.06% 51 1585 2.65% 6 186 1.34% 10252 317807 4.49%
9 77 2416 3.25% 57 1778 2.97% 8 250 1.80% 10054 311681 4.40%
10 91 2849 3.84% 66 2070 3.46% 6 216 1.56% 11058 342794 4.84%
11 94 2932 3.95% 56 1751 2.93% 7 222 1.60% 12595 390445 5.52%
12 88 2736 3.68% 71 2214 3.70% 5 177 1.28% 10249 317733 4.49%
13 93 2885 3.88% 71 2205 3.68% 6 211 1.52% 12574 389793 5.51%
14 116 3606 4.85% 80 2485 4.15% 10 323 2.33% 10299 319263 4.51%
15 106 3296 4.44% 82 2545 4.25% 7 225 1.62% 10721 332358 4.70%
16 110 3427 4.61% 85 2642 4.41% 6 194 1.40% 10894 337702 4.77%
17 122 3794 5.11% 103 3217 5.37% 8 259 1.87% 8063 249960 3.53%
18 199 6177 8.31% 180 5590 9.34% 6 206 1.49% 7925 245681 3.47%
19 113 3506 4.72% 100 3116 5.21% 7 243 1.75% 6996 216867 3.06%
20 63 1981 2.67% 54 1675 2.80% 11 369 2.66% 8494 263302 3.72%
21 74 2312 3.11% 58 1826 3.05% 8 269 1.94% 9420 292017 4.13%
22 79 2471 3.33% 65 2045 3.42% 8 276 1.99% 10793 334579 4.73%
23 85 2641 3.56% 70 2200 3.68% 6 196 1.41% 10317 319829 4.52%

Top 30 of 233 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 12176 16.39% 61929 0.88% /
2 2670 3.59% 147720 2.09% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Good Vibes John.mp3
3 1784 2.40% 95589 1.35% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Only Have John.mp3
4 1610 2.17% 489209 6.91% /Unfinished Business.mp3
5 1513 2.04% 460476 6.51% /test zip/Theme FromASummerPlace_01.mp3
6 1353 1.82% 186564 2.64% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Good Vibes Tommy.mp3
7 1248 1.68% 124499 1.76% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Good Vibes Charlie.mp3
8 1240 1.67% 170040 2.40% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Good Vibes Jon.mp3
9 1077 1.45% 112686 1.59% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Only Have Tommy.mp3
10 1013 1.36% 610218 8.62% /test zip/Rag Doll_01.mp3
11 1001 1.35% 74980 1.06% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Only Have Jon.mp3
12 923 1.24% 318991 4.51% /test zip/Seventh Son_01.mp3
13 890 1.20% 173664 2.45% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Charlie.mp3
14 812 1.09% 77902 1.10% /Mighty Clips/Ooh Baby Baby.mp3
15 779 1.05% 67697 0.96% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Daddy Cool Jon.mp3
16 776 1.04% 254875 3.60% /Barcellona/Belly Nat Lng.mp3
17 740 1.00% 62725 0.89% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Daddy Cool Charlie Lead.mp3
18 706 0.95% 127862 1.81% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Harv.mp3
19 706 0.95% 228668 3.23% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Jon.mp3
20 702 0.94% 93937 1.33% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Return To Sender John.mp3
21 701 0.94% 85388 1.21% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Return To Sender Charlie.mp3
22 696 0.94% 326592 4.61% /Colusa Casino 05 Parts/Colusa 60 Female Vox M.mp3
23 688 0.93% 159299 2.25% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Good Vibes Harv.mp3
24 685 0.92% 216325 3.06% /SMP 2005/5 Halloween.mp3
25 627 0.84% 66663 0.94% /Stingray.mp3
26 616 0.83% 57822 0.82% /Mighty Clips/Teddy Bear.mp3
27 610 0.82% 24013 0.34% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Only Have Charlie.mp3
28 604 0.81% 61015 0.86% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Daddy Cool Harv.mp3
29 587 0.79% 63649 0.90% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Daddy Cool Xtra High Part.mp3
30 577 0.78% 55097 0.78% /Mighty Clips/What Time Is It.mp3

Top 10 of 233 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1013 1.36% 610218 8.62% /test zip/Rag Doll_01.mp3
2 1610 2.17% 489209 6.91% /Unfinished Business.mp3
3 1513 2.04% 460476 6.51% /test zip/Theme FromASummerPlace_01.mp3
4 696 0.94% 326592 4.61% /Colusa Casino 05 Parts/Colusa 60 Female Vox M.mp3
5 923 1.24% 318991 4.51% /test zip/Seventh Son_01.mp3
6 776 1.04% 254875 3.60% /Barcellona/Belly Nat Lng.mp3
7 706 0.95% 228668 3.23% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Jon.mp3
8 685 0.92% 216325 3.06% /SMP 2005/5 Halloween.mp3
9 1353 1.82% 186564 2.64% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Good Vibes Tommy.mp3
10 890 1.20% 173664 2.45% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Charlie.mp3

Top 10 of 54 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 12176 16.39% 505 48.70% /
2 220 0.30% 110 10.61% /Mighty Echoes Parts/
3 140 0.19% 83 8.00% /Mighty Clips/
4 73 0.10% 27 2.60% /Barcellona/
5 49 0.07% 26 2.51% /Judi's Cleaners/
6 70 0.09% 24 2.31% /test zip/
7 83 0.11% 23 2.22% /SMP 2004/Sunrise Marketplace 2004/
8 75 0.10% 22 2.12% /SMP 2005/
9 59 0.08% 19 1.83% /Mighty Echoes Mixes/
10 62 0.08% 18 1.74% /Colusa Casino 05 Parts/

Top 10 of 56 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 12176 16.39% 481 45.98% /
2 220 0.30% 112 10.71% /Mighty Echoes Parts/
3 140 0.19% 80 7.65% /Mighty Clips/
4 73 0.10% 36 3.44% /Barcellona/
5 49 0.07% 29 2.77% /Judi's Cleaners/
6 76 0.10% 28 2.68% /SMP 2007/
7 70 0.09% 26 2.49% /test zip/
8 75 0.10% 22 2.10% /SMP 2005/
9 62 0.08% 20 1.91% /Colusa Casino 05 Parts/
10 56 0.08% 20 1.91% /Jack Gallagher/

Top 30 of 5154 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 8470 11.40% 8468 14.15% 43263 0.61% 2 0.18%
2 4822 6.49% 4822 8.06% 62475 0.88% 0 0.00%
3 4461 6.00% 4461 7.45% 55312 0.78% 0 0.00%
4 2232 3.00% 2232 3.73% 23444 0.33% 0 0.00%
5 1860 2.50% 1860 3.11% 25081 0.35% 0 0.00%
6 1806 2.43% 1806 3.02% 9220 0.13% 85 7.65%
7 1672 2.25% 1672 2.79% 380 0.01% 0 0.00%
8 1630 2.19% 1630 2.72% 390 0.01% 0 0.00%
9 1150 1.55% 1150 1.92% 224130 3.17% 0 0.00%
10 1084 1.46% 1084 1.81% 56746 0.80% 0 0.00%
11 1059 1.43% 1059 1.77% 187018 2.64% 0 0.00%
12 960 1.29% 960 1.60% 189081 2.67% 0 0.00%
13 888 1.20% 888 1.48% 64 0.00% 0 0.00%
14 875 1.18% 875 1.46% 234638 3.32% 0 0.00%
15 718 0.97% 717 1.20% 129485 1.83% 0 0.00%
16 707 0.95% 707 1.18% 121388 1.72% 0 0.00%
17 594 0.80% 594 0.99% 3031 0.04% 7 0.63%
18 559 0.75% 549 0.92% 28781 0.41% 0 0.00%
19 529 0.71% 527 0.88% 216 0.00% 32 2.88%
20 500 0.67% 495 0.83% 6929 0.10% 0 0.00%
21 482 0.65% 476 0.80% 92 0.00% 4 0.36%
22 461 0.62% 453 0.76% 23726 0.34% 0 0.00%
23 459 0.62% 449 0.75% 23445 0.33% 0 0.00%
24 423 0.57% 423 0.71% 21375 0.30% 0 0.00%
25 383 0.52% 237 0.40% 3809 0.05% 76 6.84%
26 361 0.49% 361 0.60% 8368 0.12% 0 0.00%
27 360 0.48% 360 0.60% 1837 0.03% 17 1.53%
28 359 0.48% 221 0.37% 4458 0.06% 61 5.49%
29 347 0.47% 233 0.39% 4515 0.06% 70 6.30%
30 332 0.45% 328 0.55% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Top 10 of 5154 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 875 1.18% 875 1.46% 234638 3.32% 0 0.00%
2 1150 1.55% 1150 1.92% 224130 3.17% 0 0.00%
3 960 1.29% 960 1.60% 189081 2.67% 0 0.00%
4 1059 1.43% 1059 1.77% 187018 2.64% 0 0.00%
5 718 0.97% 717 1.20% 129485 1.83% 0 0.00%
6 707 0.95% 707 1.18% 121388 1.72% 0 0.00%
7 326 0.44% 273 0.46% 102638 1.45% 0 0.00%
8 4822 6.49% 4822 8.06% 62475 0.88% 0 0.00%
9 311 0.42% 311 0.52% 58246 0.82% 0 0.00%
10 1084 1.46% 1084 1.81% 56746 0.80% 0 0.00%

Top 30 of 425 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 18675 25.14% - (Direct Request)
2 15215 20.48%
3 7920 10.66%
4 5412 7.29%
5 5061 6.81%
6 4229 5.69%
7 4229 5.69%
8 1672 2.25%
9 944 1.27%
10 846 1.14%
11 788 1.06%
12 594 0.80%
13 547 0.74%
14 535 0.72%
15 476 0.64%
16 436 0.59%
17 426 0.57%
18 320 0.43% Clips/
19 307 0.41% Echoes Parts/
20 270 0.36%
21 267 0.36%
22 228 0.31% Echoes Parts
23 200 0.27% 2007
24 182 0.24%
25 175 0.24%
26 126 0.17%
27 100 0.13%
28 92 0.12%
29 83 0.11%
30 59 0.08%

Top 20 of 83 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 4 4.40% intitle:index of ode to joy mp3
2 3 3.30% intitle:index of lean on me mp3
3 2 2.20% -inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:index of mp3 lean on me
4 2 2.20% daddy cool intitle:index.of parent directory size last modified
5 2 2.20% index of daddy cool .mp3
6 1 1.10% -inurl:(htm|html|php) index of last modified promise me
7 1 1.10% -inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:index of last modified parent dir
8 1 1.10% -inurl:(htm|html|php|shtml|asp|jsp|pls|txt|aspx|jspx) intitle:i
9 1 1.10% 60b intitle:index.of parent directory size last modified descri
10 1 1.10% 60s intitle:index.of parent directory size last modified descri
11 1 1.10%
12 1 1.10% 937kcom
13 1 1.10% bigopink
14 1 1.10% daddy cool
15 1 1.10% daddy cool mp3 intitle:index of parent directory last modified
16 1 1.10% ding ding dong intitle:index.of parent directory size last modi
17 1 1.10% ding dong intitle:index.of parent directory size last modified
18 1 1.10% echoes intitle:index.of parent directory size last modified des
19 1 1.10% index of mp3 circus
20 1 1.10% index of rock mp3

Top 15 of 529 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 27649 37.22% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
2 9576 12.89% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
3 5470 7.36% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0)
4 3225 4.34% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98; DigExt)
5 2052 2.76% Python-urllib/2.5
6 1964 2.64% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
7 1130 1.52% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; POTU(
8 1090 1.47% MLBot (
9 1039 1.40% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
10 949 1.28% NSPlayer/11.0.5721.5145 WMFSDK/11.0
11 944 1.27% asterias/2.0
12 888 1.20% Java/1.6.0_01
13 766 1.03% NSPlayer/ WMFSDK/10.0
14 568 0.76% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; )
15 557 0.75% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Tence

Usage by Country for May 2008

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 74289 100.00% 72106 120.47% 7077523 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01