Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2007
Generated 01-Aug-2007 00:03 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2007
Total Hits 20214
Total Files 14631
Total Pages 4122
Total Visits 916
Total KBytes 4987619
Total Unique Sites 4249
Total Unique URLs 330
Total Unique Referrers 280
Total Unique User Agents 416
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 27 713
Hits per Day 652 1385
Files per Day 471 865
Pages per Day 132 385
Visits per Day 29 48
KBytes per Day 160891 285283
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 14631
Code 206 - Partial Content 1789
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 46
Code 304 - Not Modified 223
Code 403 - Forbidden 10
Code 404 - Not Found 3488
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 27

Daily usage for July 2007

Daily Statistics for July 2007
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 538 2.66% 370 2.53% 130 3.15% 37 4.04% 144 3.39% 134013 2.69%
2 513 2.54% 377 2.58% 50 1.21% 38 4.15% 134 3.15% 125385 2.51%
3 353 1.75% 318 2.17% 48 1.16% 21 2.29% 69 1.62% 72300 1.45%
4 508 2.51% 419 2.86% 67 1.63% 25 2.73% 80 1.88% 78833 1.58%
5 232 1.15% 119 0.81% 97 2.35% 20 2.18% 71 1.67% 54445 1.09%
6 755 3.74% 547 3.74% 219 5.31% 29 3.17% 137 3.22% 116536 2.34%
7 640 3.17% 560 3.83% 37 0.90% 20 2.18% 298 7.01% 182088 3.65%
8 656 3.25% 427 2.92% 222 5.39% 23 2.51% 226 5.32% 149199 2.99%
9 406 2.01% 359 2.45% 26 0.63% 17 1.86% 147 3.46% 160625 3.22%
10 580 2.87% 524 3.58% 48 1.16% 29 3.17% 191 4.50% 253128 5.08%
11 724 3.58% 485 3.31% 224 5.43% 31 3.38% 172 4.05% 228491 4.58%
12 758 3.75% 648 4.43% 47 1.14% 32 3.49% 168 3.95% 164311 3.29%
13 754 3.73% 584 3.99% 117 2.84% 37 4.04% 186 4.38% 193502 3.88%
14 615 3.04% 394 2.69% 188 4.56% 45 4.91% 194 4.57% 216136 4.33%
15 887 4.39% 804 5.50% 55 1.33% 37 4.04% 179 4.21% 166408 3.34%
16 1175 5.81% 865 5.91% 98 2.38% 28 3.06% 163 3.84% 183679 3.68%
17 601 2.97% 365 2.49% 219 5.31% 27 2.95% 157 3.69% 138491 2.78%
18 594 2.94% 491 3.36% 28 0.68% 21 2.29% 149 3.51% 149361 2.99%
19 544 2.69% 442 3.02% 34 0.82% 24 2.62% 166 3.91% 217146 4.35%
20 787 3.89% 374 2.56% 385 9.34% 27 2.95% 158 3.72% 172142 3.45%
21 544 2.69% 467 3.19% 14 0.34% 11 1.20% 165 3.88% 178278 3.57%
22 548 2.71% 483 3.30% 74 1.80% 24 2.62% 175 4.12% 159396 3.20%
23 705 3.49% 361 2.47% 328 7.96% 20 2.18% 163 3.84% 167873 3.37%
24 522 2.58% 482 3.29% 40 0.97% 26 2.84% 154 3.62% 154963 3.11%
25 444 2.20% 345 2.36% 91 2.21% 44 4.80% 183 4.31% 184694 3.70%
26 1113 5.51% 541 3.70% 315 7.64% 48 5.24% 203 4.78% 285283 5.72%
27 730 3.61% 640 4.37% 76 1.84% 39 4.26% 154 3.62% 173169 3.47%
28 436 2.16% 370 2.53% 55 1.33% 25 2.73% 106 2.49% 106043 2.13%
29 1385 6.85% 830 5.67% 275 6.67% 37 4.04% 120 2.82% 179158 3.59%
30 543 2.69% 293 2.00% 279 6.77% 40 4.37% 117 2.75% 119504 2.40%
31 624 3.09% 347 2.37% 236 5.73% 34 3.71% 125 2.94% 123040 2.47%

Hourly usage for July 2007

Hourly Statistics for July 2007
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 0 14 0.07% 0 13 0.09% 0 0 0.00% 142 4395 0.09%
1 21 678 3.35% 15 495 3.38% 5 172 4.17% 7361 228179 4.57%
2 25 795 3.93% 21 662 4.52% 2 85 2.06% 6460 200249 4.01%
3 51 1588 7.86% 23 730 4.99% 13 410 9.95% 11201 347240 6.96%
4 23 741 3.67% 17 534 3.65% 1 56 1.36% 8537 264656 5.31%
5 40 1266 6.26% 28 870 5.95% 12 375 9.10% 7636 236701 4.75%
6 26 810 4.01% 21 673 4.60% 1 58 1.41% 5316 164790 3.30%
7 23 732 3.62% 20 633 4.33% 1 58 1.41% 6780 210177 4.21%
8 30 933 4.62% 24 767 5.24% 1 36 0.87% 7685 238223 4.78%
9 25 803 3.97% 21 659 4.50% 3 116 2.81% 7178 222518 4.46%
10 24 764 3.78% 22 710 4.85% 1 49 1.19% 7289 225948 4.53%
11 27 838 4.15% 20 638 4.36% 6 193 4.68% 6585 204136 4.09%
12 26 814 4.03% 20 620 4.24% 4 141 3.42% 7285 225830 4.53%
13 24 767 3.79% 20 621 4.24% 2 78 1.89% 5930 183838 3.69%
14 34 1055 5.22% 27 848 5.80% 8 252 6.11% 5605 173752 3.48%
15 28 896 4.43% 14 445 3.04% 15 465 11.28% 7080 219492 4.40%
16 21 674 3.33% 16 508 3.47% 4 133 3.23% 5445 168784 3.38%
17 32 1022 5.06% 10 334 2.28% 21 679 16.47% 5181 160601 3.22%
18 22 692 3.42% 18 562 3.84% 2 86 2.09% 7305 226468 4.54%
19 41 1281 6.34% 28 898 6.14% 4 140 3.40% 5734 177758 3.56%
20 28 883 4.37% 19 602 4.11% 6 212 5.14% 5910 183198 3.67%
21 20 620 3.07% 16 508 3.47% 2 84 2.04% 7933 245928 4.93%
22 22 688 3.40% 19 592 4.05% 2 67 1.63% 7076 219368 4.40%
23 27 860 4.25% 22 709 4.85% 5 177 4.29% 8238 255388 5.12%

Top 30 of 330 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 694 3.43% 3555 0.07% /
2 694 3.43% 176187 3.53% /Mighty Clips/What Time Is It.mp3
3 483 2.39% 410651 8.23% /Barcellona/Belly Cal Lng.mp3
4 470 2.33% 63 0.00% /icons/blank.gif
5 468 2.32% 92 0.00% /icons/back.gif
6 464 2.30% 94 0.00% /icons/sound2.gif
7 344 1.70% 404700 8.11% /test zip/Rag Doll_01.mp3
8 263 1.30% 105778 2.12% /Ode To Joy -60 B.mp3
9 262 1.30% 70891 1.42% /Ode To Joy -30.mp3
10 240 1.19% 307379 6.16% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Charlie.mp3
11 227 1.12% 78652 1.58% /Alouette B -60.mp3
12 203 1.00% 141220 2.83% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Harv.mp3
13 201 0.99% 46 0.00% /icons/movie.gif
14 200 0.99% 42 0.00% /icons/folder.gif
15 187 0.93% 172887 3.47% /test zip/Theme FromASummerPlace_01.mp3
16 185 0.92% 327 0.01% /Mighty Clips/
17 185 0.92% 858 0.02% /Mighty Echoes Parts/
18 183 0.91% 41034 0.82% /RevengeOfTheNerds.mp3
19 177 0.88% 66947 1.34% /Mighty Clips/Teddy Bear.mp3
20 173 0.86% 58554 1.17% /Mighty Clips/Rama Lama Ding Dong.mp3
21 171 0.85% 100210 2.01% /Let The One Who Loves You.mp3
22 163 0.81% 66513 1.33% /Stingray.mp3
23 161 0.80% 42720 0.86% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Daddy Cool Harv.mp3
24 155 0.77% 34649 0.69% /BigOCtr.mp3
25 154 0.76% 23225 0.47% /BigOPink.mp3
26 148 0.73% 23503 0.47% /Alouette A -30.mp3
27 142 0.70% 23460 0.47% /Circus.mp3
28 139 0.69% 188020 3.77% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me John.mp3
29 137 0.68% 17060 0.34% /SMP 30 Rev C.mp3
30 136 0.67% 45656 0.92% /Unfinished Business.mp3

Top 10 of 330 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 483 2.39% 410651 8.23% /Barcellona/Belly Cal Lng.mp3
2 344 1.70% 404700 8.11% /test zip/Rag Doll_01.mp3
3 240 1.19% 307379 6.16% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Charlie.mp3
4 139 0.69% 188020 3.77% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me John.mp3
5 694 3.43% 176187 3.53% /Mighty Clips/What Time Is It.mp3
6 187 0.93% 172887 3.47% /test zip/Theme FromASummerPlace_01.mp3
7 203 1.00% 141220 2.83% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Harv.mp3
8 123 0.61% 129549 2.60% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Jon.mp3
9 263 1.30% 105778 2.12% /Ode To Joy -60 B.mp3
10 171 0.85% 100210 2.01% /Let The One Who Loves You.mp3

Top 10 of 37 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 694 3.43% 386 44.52% /
2 185 0.92% 143 16.49% /Mighty Clips/
3 185 0.92% 114 13.15% /Mighty Echoes Parts/
4 59 0.29% 36 4.15% /stats/usage_200707.html
5 63 0.31% 31 3.58% /Colusa Casino 05 Parts/
6 37 0.18% 21 2.42% /stats/
7 32 0.16% 19 2.19% /stats/usage_200405.html
8 41 0.20% 13 1.50% /Barcellona/
9 31 0.15% 12 1.38% /stats/usage_200706.html
10 29 0.14% 11 1.27% /SMP 2007/

Top 10 of 40 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 694 3.43% 377 42.99% /
2 185 0.92% 146 16.65% /Mighty Clips/
3 185 0.92% 119 13.57% /Mighty Echoes Parts/
4 59 0.29% 40 4.56% /stats/usage_200707.html
5 63 0.31% 28 3.19% /Colusa Casino 05 Parts/
6 37 0.18% 22 2.51% /stats/
7 32 0.16% 18 2.05% /stats/usage_200405.html
8 29 0.14% 14 1.60% /SMP 2007/
9 31 0.15% 14 1.60% /stats/usage_200706.html
10 41 0.20% 13 1.48% /Barcellona/

Top 30 of 4249 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2423 11.99% 2423 16.56% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
2 1638 8.10% 1552 10.61% 89880 1.80% 3 0.33%
3 570 2.82% 570 3.90% 30855 0.62% 0 0.00%
4 406 2.01% 406 2.77% 22067 0.44% 0 0.00%
5 362 1.79% 362 2.47% 44227 0.89% 0 0.00%
6 342 1.69% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.11%
7 297 1.47% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.11%
8 252 1.25% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 4 0.44%
9 246 1.22% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 0.22%
10 230 1.14% 230 1.57% 12040 0.24% 0 0.00%
11 228 1.13% 224 1.53% 105997 2.13% 1 0.11%
12 202 1.00% 134 0.92% 3025 0.06% 64 6.99%
13 189 0.93% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 0.22%
14 189 0.93% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.11%
15 183 0.91% 168 1.15% 12556 0.25% 45 4.91%
16 171 0.85% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.11%
17 168 0.83% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 4 0.44%
18 154 0.76% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 0.22%
19 129 0.64% 129 0.88% 13474 0.27% 0 0.00%
20 123 0.61% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 3 0.33%
21 110 0.54% 110 0.75% 564 0.01% 47 5.13%
22 105 0.52% 105 0.72% 2166 0.04% 0 0.00%
23 104 0.51% 100 0.68% 5250 0.11% 1 0.11%
24 102 0.50% 102 0.70% 36400 0.73% 0 0.00%
25 101 0.50% 99 0.68% 2214 0.04% 0 0.00%
26 96 0.47% 92 0.63% 2688 0.05% 0 0.00%
27 87 0.43% 85 0.58% 3329 0.07% 0 0.00%
28 87 0.43% 82 0.56% 2135 0.04% 3 0.33%
29 84 0.42% 84 0.57% 5610 0.11% 0 0.00%
30 78 0.39% 76 0.52% 1919 0.04% 0 0.00%

Top 10 of 4249 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 228 1.13% 224 1.53% 105997 2.13% 1 0.11%
2 1638 8.10% 1552 10.61% 89880 1.80% 3 0.33%
3 74 0.37% 72 0.49% 71426 1.43% 1 0.11%
4 362 1.79% 362 2.47% 44227 0.89% 0 0.00%
5 14 0.07% 14 0.10% 37456 0.75% 0 0.00%
6 102 0.50% 102 0.70% 36400 0.73% 0 0.00%
7 15 0.07% 15 0.10% 31793 0.64% 0 0.00%
8 570 2.82% 570 3.90% 30855 0.62% 0 0.00%
9 43 0.21% 43 0.29% 28435 0.57% 1 0.11%
10 406 2.01% 406 2.77% 22067 0.44% 0 0.00%

Top 30 of 280 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 10324 51.07% - (Direct Request)
2 1075 5.32%
3 887 4.39%
4 707 3.50% Echoes Parts/
5 497 2.46% Clips/
6 487 2.41%
7 408 2.02%
8 372 1.84%
9 323 1.60% Soundtrack - Volume 2 - 11 - Television Theme Songs - Bill Nye the Science Guy.mp3
10 254 1.26%
11 247 1.22%
12 247 1.22%
13 247 1.22%
14 247 1.22%
15 247 1.22%
16 247 1.22%
17 247 1.22%
18 247 1.22%
19 223 1.10%
20 216 1.07%
21 134 0.66% Casino 05 Parts/
22 134 0.66%
23 108 0.53% pilot plays the blues.mp3
24 108 0.53%
25 108 0.53% Moment - Sleepy Jean.mp3
26 102 0.50% kiuchoctrowyounguno.mp3
27 102 0.50%
28 74 0.37%
29 61 0.30% Echoes Parts
30 52 0.26%

Top 20 of 176 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 5 2.45% -inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:index of echoes mp3
2 5 2.45% to be loved
3 3 1.47% intitle:index.of
4 3 1.47% mighty echoes parent directory index of
5 2 0.98% -inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:index of last modified acapella
6 2 0.98% cassino intitle:index.of mp3 -html -htm -php -asp -txt -pls
7 2 0.98% cool daddy cool
8 2 0.98% cool daddy daddy cool
9 2 0.98% country intitle:index.of mp3 -html -htm -php -asp -txt -pls
10 2 0.98% daddy cool
11 2 0.98% intitle:index.of (mp3)
12 2 0.98% intitle:index.of (mp3) ramalama
13 2 0.98% intitle:index.of mp3 promise me -html -htm -php -asp -txt -pls
14 2 0.98% lean on me a cappella
15 2 0.98% ode to joy
16 2 0.98% ode to joy intitle:index.of mp3 -html -htm -php -asp -txt -pls
17 2 0.98% ode to joy rock
18 2 0.98% parent directory index of -html -htm -download mp3 joy
19 2 0.98% return to sender
20 2 0.98% revenge of the nerds

Top 15 of 416 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2105 10.41% Opera/7.10 (UNIX; U) [en]
2 1760 8.71% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
3 1232 6.09% Java/1.6.0_01
4 1017 5.03% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
5 570 2.82% Java/1.5.0_09
6 568 2.81% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: G
7 549 2.72% NSPlayer/11.0.5721.5145 WMFSDK/11.0
8 518 2.56% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
9 509 2.52% NSPlayer/ WMFSDK/10.0
10 508 2.51% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SkreemRBot +
11 504 2.49% Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0-rc2
12 495 2.45% asterias/2.0
13 492 2.43% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
14 406 2.01% Java/1.5.0_11
15 392 1.94% NSPlayer/ WMFSDK/10.0

Usage by Country for July 2007

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 20214 100.00% 16420 112.23% 4987619 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01