Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2007
Generated 01-Jan-2008 00:08 EST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2007
Total Hits 28759
Total Files 25099
Total Pages 5189
Total Visits 833
Total KBytes 6054946
Total Unique Sites 4443
Total Unique URLs 306
Total Unique Referrers 408
Total Unique User Agents 472
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 38 2243
Hits per Day 927 4771
Files per Day 809 4447
Pages per Day 167 402
Visits per Day 26 46
KBytes per Day 195321 465046
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 25099
Code 206 - Partial Content 1552
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 63
Code 304 - Not Modified 235
Code 403 - Forbidden 13
Code 404 - Not Found 1796
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 1

Daily usage for December 2007

Daily Statistics for December 2007
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 485 1.69% 414 1.65% 30 0.58% 19 2.28% 187 4.21% 154475 2.55%
2 419 1.46% 376 1.50% 30 0.58% 15 1.80% 171 3.85% 137279 2.27%
3 438 1.52% 352 1.40% 11 0.21% 9 1.08% 150 3.38% 133306 2.20%
4 526 1.83% 413 1.65% 51 0.98% 17 2.04% 148 3.33% 165315 2.73%
5 541 1.88% 446 1.78% 36 0.69% 17 2.04% 155 3.49% 193325 3.19%
6 723 2.51% 510 2.03% 61 1.18% 21 2.52% 160 3.60% 176809 2.92%
7 477 1.66% 423 1.69% 34 0.66% 21 2.52% 158 3.56% 121684 2.01%
8 3633 12.63% 3566 14.21% 158 3.04% 16 1.92% 178 4.01% 441880 7.30%
9 493 1.71% 395 1.57% 20 0.39% 16 1.92% 171 3.85% 173232 2.86%
10 563 1.96% 439 1.75% 64 1.23% 39 4.68% 196 4.41% 169669 2.80%
11 387 1.35% 320 1.27% 36 0.69% 31 3.72% 175 3.94% 155188 2.56%
12 603 2.10% 527 2.10% 85 1.64% 42 5.04% 183 4.12% 174168 2.88%
13 951 3.31% 850 3.39% 301 5.80% 35 4.20% 176 3.96% 183093 3.02%
14 905 3.15% 749 2.98% 295 5.69% 27 3.24% 198 4.46% 192610 3.18%
15 842 2.93% 675 2.69% 145 2.79% 24 2.88% 187 4.21% 187411 3.10%
16 776 2.70% 682 2.72% 270 5.20% 19 2.28% 166 3.74% 191152 3.16%
17 618 2.15% 552 2.20% 217 4.18% 22 2.64% 170 3.83% 141625 2.34%
18 520 1.81% 463 1.84% 55 1.06% 25 3.00% 163 3.67% 167182 2.76%
19 567 1.97% 521 2.08% 111 2.14% 22 2.64% 157 3.53% 173760 2.87%
20 660 2.29% 618 2.46% 293 5.65% 35 4.20% 167 3.76% 156099 2.58%
21 1315 4.57% 827 3.29% 402 7.75% 24 2.88% 184 4.14% 198196 3.27%
22 907 3.15% 786 3.13% 296 5.70% 26 3.12% 189 4.25% 198392 3.28%
23 879 3.06% 758 3.02% 311 5.99% 39 4.68% 190 4.28% 183584 3.03%
24 1083 3.77% 914 3.64% 312 6.01% 29 3.48% 210 4.73% 214603 3.54%
25 834 2.90% 736 2.93% 295 5.69% 30 3.60% 186 4.19% 179833 2.97%
26 614 2.13% 567 2.26% 251 4.84% 29 3.48% 191 4.30% 182250 3.01%
27 706 2.45% 616 2.45% 85 1.64% 38 4.56% 182 4.10% 171493 2.83%
28 4771 16.59% 4447 17.72% 379 7.30% 46 5.52% 212 4.77% 465046 7.68%
29 772 2.68% 658 2.62% 118 2.27% 42 5.04% 218 4.91% 228705 3.78%
30 913 3.17% 724 2.88% 152 2.93% 45 5.40% 215 4.84% 219501 3.63%
31 838 2.91% 775 3.09% 285 5.49% 26 3.12% 205 4.61% 224083 3.70%

Hourly usage for December 2007

Hourly Statistics for December 2007
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 2 63 0.22% 1 55 0.22% 0 17 0.33% 935 28983 0.48%
1 49 1531 5.32% 43 1339 5.33% 7 231 4.45% 9708 300961 4.97%
2 76 2366 8.23% 70 2184 8.70% 7 234 4.51% 13096 405985 6.71%
3 63 1957 6.80% 56 1748 6.96% 8 271 5.22% 11804 365914 6.04%
4 22 704 2.45% 17 549 2.19% 5 176 3.39% 9070 281171 4.64%
5 35 1113 3.87% 20 640 2.55% 8 277 5.34% 7585 235123 3.88%
6 31 987 3.43% 26 809 3.22% 6 193 3.72% 8338 258473 4.27%
7 32 1009 3.51% 27 850 3.39% 6 187 3.60% 8437 261552 4.32%
8 26 806 2.80% 21 659 2.63% 5 185 3.57% 7065 219026 3.62%
9 31 971 3.38% 26 810 3.23% 6 201 3.87% 6469 200550 3.31%
10 33 1053 3.66% 30 931 3.71% 5 177 3.41% 6850 212352 3.51%
11 118 3664 12.74% 115 3567 14.21% 10 324 6.24% 13630 422535 6.98%
12 81 2524 8.78% 77 2391 9.53% 9 309 5.95% 11506 356696 5.89%
13 43 1363 4.74% 39 1239 4.94% 6 209 4.03% 6328 196164 3.24%
14 34 1057 3.68% 27 863 3.44% 6 211 4.07% 5722 177375 2.93%
15 28 892 3.10% 25 797 3.18% 6 191 3.68% 7470 231573 3.82%
16 34 1079 3.75% 29 909 3.62% 7 234 4.51% 6453 200042 3.30%
17 25 790 2.75% 20 630 2.51% 7 226 4.36% 5149 159616 2.64%
18 30 930 3.23% 23 738 2.94% 7 246 4.74% 4481 138923 2.29%
19 22 685 2.38% 19 601 2.39% 8 248 4.78% 5602 173665 2.87%
20 18 584 2.03% 16 507 2.02% 6 186 3.58% 7271 225393 3.72%
21 28 896 3.12% 25 775 3.09% 8 253 4.88% 10805 334946 5.53%
22 28 898 3.12% 25 779 3.10% 6 194 3.74% 11369 352449 5.82%
23 27 837 2.91% 23 729 2.90% 6 209 4.03% 10177 315480 5.21%

Top 30 of 306 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3901 13.56% 19987 0.33% /
2 451 1.57% 135363 2.24% /Ode To Joy -60 B.mp3
3 434 1.51% 400547 6.62% /test zip/Seventh Son_01.mp3
4 404 1.40% 82 0.00% /icons/sound2.gif
5 401 1.39% 54 0.00% /icons/blank.gif
6 400 1.39% 79 0.00% /icons/back.gif
7 384 1.34% 135019 2.23% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Harv.mp3
8 365 1.27% 65191 1.08% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Return To Sender Jon.mp3
9 350 1.22% 70348 1.16% /Mighty Clips/What Time Is It.mp3
10 334 1.16% 260024 4.29% /test zip/Rag Doll_01.mp3
11 292 1.02% 107799 1.78% /Stingray.mp3
12 291 1.01% 143245 2.37% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Charlie.mp3
13 289 1.00% 97422 1.61% /Unfinished Business.mp3
14 288 1.00% 210562 3.48% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me John.mp3
15 284 0.99% 62169 1.03% /Alouette B -60.mp3
16 277 0.96% 89384 1.48% /Let The One Who Loves You.mp3
17 274 0.95% 53646 0.89% /BigOCtr.mp3
18 260 0.90% 105828 1.75% /Barcellona/Belly Cal Lng.mp3
19 260 0.90% 45761 0.76% /Ode To Joy -30.mp3
20 254 0.88% 36324 0.60% /BigOPink.mp3
21 254 0.88% 55975 0.92% /Mighty Clips/Gloria.mp3
22 252 0.88% 26332 0.43% /Alouette A -30.mp3
23 248 0.86% 32337 0.53% /Circus.mp3
24 247 0.86% 63559 1.05% /AbsolutelyFree.mp3
25 246 0.86% 105170 1.74% /test zip/Theme FromASummerPlace_01.mp3
26 245 0.85% 38062 0.63% /RevengeOfTheNerds.mp3
27 243 0.84% 36004 0.59% /BigORckE.mp3
28 239 0.83% 38885 0.64% /BigOCrwD.mp3
29 238 0.83% 129534 2.14% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Jon.mp3
30 237 0.82% 35958 0.59% /BigOroc3.mp3

Top 10 of 306 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 434 1.51% 400547 6.62% /test zip/Seventh Son_01.mp3
2 334 1.16% 260024 4.29% /test zip/Rag Doll_01.mp3
3 288 1.00% 210562 3.48% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me John.mp3
4 291 1.01% 143245 2.37% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Charlie.mp3
5 451 1.57% 135363 2.24% /Ode To Joy -60 B.mp3
6 384 1.34% 135019 2.23% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Harv.mp3
7 238 0.83% 129534 2.14% /Mighty Echoes Parts/Lean On Me Jon.mp3
8 292 1.02% 107799 1.78% /Stingray.mp3
9 260 0.90% 105828 1.75% /Barcellona/Belly Cal Lng.mp3
10 246 0.86% 105170 1.74% /test zip/Theme FromASummerPlace_01.mp3

Top 10 of 48 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3901 13.56% 421 53.16% /
2 192 0.67% 126 15.91% /Mighty Clips/
3 130 0.45% 36 4.55% /Mighty Echoes Parts/
4 67 0.23% 20 2.53% /Barcellona/
5 28 0.10% 19 2.40% /stats/usage_200405.html
6 70 0.24% 16 2.02% /SMP 2007/
7 54 0.19% 12 1.52% /SMP 2004/
8 54 0.19% 11 1.39% /Colusa Casino 05 Parts/
9 45 0.16% 11 1.39% /SMP 2004/Sunrise Marketplace 2004/
10 24 0.08% 10 1.26% /stats/usage_200707.html

Top 10 of 49 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3901 13.56% 400 50.00% /
2 192 0.67% 120 15.00% /Mighty Clips/
3 130 0.45% 58 7.25% /Mighty Echoes Parts/
4 70 0.24% 28 3.50% /SMP 2007/
5 67 0.23% 20 2.50% /Barcellona/
6 45 0.16% 15 1.88% /SMP 2004/Sunrise Marketplace 2004/
7 28 0.10% 14 1.75% /stats/usage_200405.html
8 54 0.19% 12 1.50% /Colusa Casino 05 Parts/
9 54 0.19% 12 1.50% /SMP 2004/
10 44 0.15% 11 1.38% /test zip/

Top 30 of 4443 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 5669 19.71% 5666 22.57% 462083 7.63% 1 0.12%
2 3637 12.65% 3433 13.68% 275952 4.56% 2 0.24%
3 3144 10.93% 3144 12.53% 16116 0.27% 17 2.04%
4 681 2.37% 681 2.71% 35649 0.59% 0 0.00%
5 547 1.90% 546 2.18% 3 0.00% 2 0.24%
6 533 1.85% 436 1.74% 9867 0.16% 3 0.36%
7 441 1.53% 441 1.76% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
8 251 0.87% 248 0.99% 7925 0.13% 1 0.12%
9 221 0.77% 219 0.87% 53254 0.88% 0 0.00%
10 175 0.61% 167 0.67% 6479 0.11% 3 0.36%
11 139 0.48% 139 0.55% 710 0.01% 46 5.52%
12 132 0.46% 121 0.48% 8662 0.14% 3 0.36%
13 130 0.45% 130 0.52% 7086 0.12% 0 0.00%
14 120 0.42% 116 0.46% 9635 0.16% 6 0.72%
15 107 0.37% 107 0.43% 548 0.01% 6 0.72%
16 106 0.37% 61 0.24% 3945 0.07% 43 5.16%
17 104 0.36% 104 0.41% 17013 0.28% 0 0.00%
18 103 0.36% 101 0.40% 8362 0.14% 2 0.24%
19 96 0.33% 96 0.38% 17687 0.29% 0 0.00%
20 96 0.33% 96 0.38% 5105 0.08% 0 0.00%
21 95 0.33% 95 0.38% 5224 0.09% 0 0.00%
22 93 0.32% 93 0.37% 4992 0.08% 0 0.00%
23 92 0.32% 92 0.37% 4919 0.08% 0 0.00%
24 90 0.31% 90 0.36% 4832 0.08% 0 0.00%
25 88 0.31% 88 0.35% 4695 0.08% 0 0.00%
26 87 0.30% 87 0.35% 4474 0.07% 0 0.00%
27 86 0.30% 12 0.05% 58 0.00% 2 0.24%
28 78 0.27% 78 0.31% 4154 0.07% 0 0.00%
29 74 0.26% 74 0.29% 3964 0.07% 0 0.00%
30 74 0.26% 74 0.29% 3948 0.07% 0 0.00%

Top 10 of 4443 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 5669 19.71% 5666 22.57% 462083 7.63% 1 0.12%
2 3637 12.65% 3433 13.68% 275952 4.56% 2 0.24%
3 221 0.77% 219 0.87% 53254 0.88% 0 0.00%
4 50 0.17% 50 0.20% 48185 0.80% 0 0.00%
5 681 2.37% 681 2.71% 35649 0.59% 0 0.00%
6 15 0.05% 14 0.06% 22586 0.37% 0 0.00%
7 5 0.02% 5 0.02% 21745 0.36% 0 0.00%
8 5 0.02% 5 0.02% 20816 0.34% 0 0.00%
9 15 0.05% 14 0.06% 17741 0.29% 1 0.12%
10 4 0.01% 4 0.02% 17725 0.29% 0 0.00%

Top 30 of 408 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 18653 64.86% - (Direct Request)
2 1268 4.41%
3 1010 3.51%
4 662 2.30%
5 465 1.62% Clips/
6 416 1.45%
7 369 1.28%
8 248 0.86%
9 155 0.54%
10 140 0.49%
11 133 0.46% Echoes Parts/
12 77 0.27%
13 66 0.23%
14 64 0.22%
15 60 0.21% 2004/Sunrise Marketplace 2004/
16 58 0.20%
17 56 0.19% Casino 05 Parts/
18 48 0.17%
19 47 0.16%
20 44 0.15%
21 44 0.15%
22 43 0.15% Echoes Parts/
23 42 0.15% 2005/
24 41 0.14%
25 37 0.13%
26 35 0.12%
27 35 0.12%
28 35 0.12%
29 35 0.12%
30 35 0.12%

Top 20 of 140 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 3 1.88% intitle:index.of mp3 what time is it -htm -html -php -asp
2 3 1.88% intitle:index.of(mp3) smp
3 3 1.88% intitle:index.of.jack
4 2 1.25% -inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:index of mp3 ode to joy
5 2 1.25% -inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:index of mp3 return to sender
6 2 1.25% alouette
7 2 1.25% happy song
8 2 1.25% index of parent directory
9 2 1.25% index.of mp3 ode to joy -htm -html -php -asp last modified
10 2 1.25% intitle:index.of (mp3)
11 2 1.25% intitle:index.of mp3 alouette
12 2 1.25% intitle:index.of mp3 ode to joy
13 2 1.25% love stoned intitle:index.of parent directory size last modifie
14 2 1.25% parent directory mp3 ode to joy
15 2 1.25% revengeofthenerds.mp3
16 2 1.25% smp last modified mp3 index of -html -htm -php -asp
17 2 1.25% sunrise intitle:index.of parent directory size last modified de
18 1 0.62% # -inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:index of last modified parent d
19 1 0.62% -inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:index of last modified parent dir
20 1 0.62% -inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:”index of” ”last modified

Top 15 of 472 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 8533 29.67% Java/1.6.0_01
2 1702 5.92% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
3 1090 3.79% NSPlayer/ WMFSDK/10.0
4 1082 3.76% NSPlayer/11.0.5721.5145 WMFSDK/11.0
5 1012 3.52% asterias/2.0
6 1006 3.50% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
7 839 2.92% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
8 761 2.65% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SkreemRBot +
9 618 2.15% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
10 482 1.68% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
11 457 1.59% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
12 441 1.53% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98; DigExt)
13 378 1.31% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0)
14 364 1.27% NSPlayer/ WMFSDK/9.0
15 355 1.23% VadixBot

Usage by Country for December 2007

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 28759 100.00% 26651 106.18% 6054946 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01